All posts filed under: More

What’s In My Handbag?

A girls handbag is classified as one of the girls private items, so taking a look at what’s inside of it is kind of special but… I am quite nosy and love reading blogposts and watching videos looking to see what people have in them. It’s something very oddly satisfying to not only get ideas of what I should carry in my handbag, but also sort of get to know that person a little by reading or watching about their personal items that are kept nearby – like in a handbag.

First Birthday at the g Hotel

Being a blogger is the next new fad and at the age of technology we do indeed enjoy the events where you can use your high tech devices non stop! Just over a week ago it was a first birthday of the ITWBN (Into the West Blogger Network) and let me tell you this – it was a bomb! Sure, you might think, what’s so special about this blogger group, but after reading this – you’ll want to be a part of it yourself 😉

Five Random Favourites

I could tell you stories about my life and who I am but there wouldn’t be enough paragraphs in one blog post. Therefore I came up with an idea to share my 5 random favourites every now and then so you could get to know me a little better.